Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Year's Printables

Happy New Year kindergarten teachers and families!  I hope you were able to pick up some new ink cartridges for Christmas, because here are a few printables to celebrate the successes of 2012 and plan goals for 2013.

Original Source:  Colour me There

Original Source:  All Kids Network

Original Source:  Ladybug's Teacher Files

Original Source:  Wonderful Joy Ahead

Original Source:  Jessica Swift

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas Kindergarten Families!

Original picture from something.
  Hoping you enjoy your holiday and I'll see you soon.

Little learners!  Here are some Christmas games for you to play before Santa comes to visit!


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Books with Bijou!

Kindergarten families!  Ms.  Bijou was so sweet to share guided readers with your little learner!  Our guided readers are now available on-line and will be posted for each reading unit.  Click on the the cover of the book you would like to read with your child.  The books include an audio feature, so your child can listen to the story independently.  Listening to these books on-line can be used to document your child's at-home reading practice.  Be sure your child writes the date and title on their book-log to show what they've been reading.  The new page is called Books with Bijou.  Be sure to check it out today!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Parent Resources

Original source:

Kindergarten families my heart is saddened along with the rest of  our country as we mourn the loss of our most precious children and educators at Sandy Hook Elementary .  I know that children will express different emotions and express curiosity about the tragic event that happened in Connecticut.  Our school psychologist has provided the teachers with a resource on dealing with a crisis or trauma.   I think it will be helpful to kindergarten families during this time.  You can find more information at the National Association of School Psychologists.  Please contact me or any Watergrass Elementary Staff member if you have any questions, concerns or need to talk.  Give your children some extra squeezes this weekend too.

Here is another little quote I found that really touched my heart.  Hopefully it will help you too.

Original source:

Monday, December 10, 2012

Updated Calendar

Hello Kindergarten Families!

Please take a look at the updates on our class calendar.  I appreciate your patience with my time away from the classroom.  Our reading coach Mrs. Hughes always comes by on these days to work with the children during center time.  This will be the only month you will see so many meetings on the calendar!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

New Math Websites!

Kindergarten families, please take a look at the new page Math Websites.  I have added some counting and beginning addition games that I know your little learner will love!